Breast Augmentation – Asymmetric Breasts

These case studies are examples of women who underwent breast augmentation surgery having two different size breasts. Each patient required two different size silicone gel implants. All patients were counseled that as they are starting with two different size breasts, and thus have two different size and shaped skin envelopes, it will be impossible to achieve perfect symmetry even when using two different sized implants. The goal was to try to equalize the breast volumes as much as possible and by varying the dimensions of the implant pockets as well, to try to equalize the shape as much as possible. In no cases was a breast lift or incision around the nipple required.


10071 ap preop
10071 r obl preop
10071 l obl preop
10071 r lat preop
10071 l lat preop


10071 ap postop
10071 r obl postop
10071 l obl postop
10071 r lat postop
10071 l lat postop

Patient Information: 29 year old female with asymmetric breasts underwent inframammary (below the breast) placement of 371cc Med. (right) and 240cc Low (left) round silicone gel filled implants under the muscle. Patient went from a B cup to a D cup.


breast asymmetry jd b f
breast asymmetry jd b o r
breast asymmetry jd b o l
breast asymmetry jd b s r
breast asymmetry jd b s l


breast asymmetry jd a f
breast asymmetry jd a o r
breast asymmetry jd a o l
breast asymmetry jd a s r
breast asymmetry jd a s l

Patient Information: 22 year old female with asymmetric breasts underwent inframammary (below the breast) placement of 339cc (right) and 286cc (left) round silicone gel filled implants under the muscle.


10070 ap preop
10070 r obl preop
10072 l obl preop
10070 r lat preop
10070 l lat preop


10070 ap postop
10070 r obl postop
10070 l obl postop
10070 r lat postop
10070 l lat postop

Patient Information: 42 year old female with asymmetric breasts underwent inframammary (below the breast) placement of 304cc (right) and 339cc (left) round silicone gel filled implants under the muscle. Patient went from a A cup to a C cup.


cc breast asymmetry p03 b f
cc breast asymmetry p03 b o r
cc breast asymmetry p03 b o l
cc breast asymmetry p03 b s r
cc breast asymmetry p03 b s l


cc breast asymmetry p03 a f
cc breast asymmetry p03 a o r
cc breast asymmetry p03 a o l
cc breast asymmetry p03 a s r
cc breast asymmetry p03 a s l

Patient Information: 24 year old female with asymmetric breasts underwent inframammary (below the breast) placement of 339cc (right) and 265cc (left) round silicone gel filled implants under the muscle.


rb breast asymmetry b f
rb breast asymmetry b o r
rb breast asymmetry b o l
rb breast asymmetry b s r
rb breast asymmetry b s l


rb breast asymmetry a f
rb breast asymmetry a o r
rb breast asymmetry a o l
rb breast asymmetry a s r
rb breast asymmetry a s l

Patient Information: 22 year old female with asymmetric breasts underwent inframammary (below the breast) placement of 265cc (right) and 304cc (left) round silicone gel filled implants under the muscle.


10072 ap preop
10072 r obl preop1
10072 l obl preop 1
10072 r lat preop
10072 l lat preop


10072 ap postop
10072 r obl postop
10072 l obl postop
10072 r lat postop
10072 l lat postop

Patient Information: 26 year old female with asymmetric breasts underwent inframammary (below the breast) placement of 286cc (right) and 265cc (left) round silicone gel filled implants under the muscle. Patient went from a B cup to a D cup.


10073 ap preop
10072 r obl preop
10073 l obl preop
10073 r lat preop
10073 l lat preop


10073 ap postop
10073 r obl postop
10073 l obl postop
10073 r lat postop
10073 l lat postop

Patient Information: 31 year old female with asymmetric breasts underwent inframammary (below the breast) placement of 371cc (right) and 304cc (left) round silicone gel filled implants under the muscle. Patient did not want scars from a breast lift. Patient went from a C cup to a D cup.


la breast asymmetry b f
la breast asymmetry b o r
la breast asymmetry b o l
la breast asymmetry b s r
la breast asymmetry b s l


la breast asymmetry a f
la breast asymmetry a o r
la breast asymmetry a o l
la breast asymmetry a s r
la breast asymmetry a s l

Patient Information: 30 year old female with asymmetric breasts underwent inframammary (below the breast) placement of 304cc (right) and 265cc (left) round silicone gel filled implants under the muscle.


dd breast asymmetry p02 b f
dd breast asymmetry p02 b o r
dd breast asymmetry p02 b o l
dd breast asymmetry p02 b s r
dd breast asymmetry p02 b s l


dd breast asymmetry p02 a f
dd breast asymmetry p02 a o r
dd breast asymmetry p02 a o l
dd breast asymmetry p02 a s r
dd breast asymmetry p02 a s l

Patient Information: 45 year old female with asymmetric breasts underwent inframammary (below the breast) placement of 304cc (right) and 339cc (left) round silicone gel filled implants under the muscle.

Contact Our Office for Further Information

Reach out to Dr. Mark Epstein for a personalized consultation and discuss whether Silicone breast implants are right for you. To set up an appointment, you can call us at 631.689.1100 or fill out our online form.

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