Tummy Tuck in Hauppauge & Smithtown, NY

*Individual results may vary


What is a Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)?

I perform tummy tuck surgery at my plastic surgery office in Long Island. Tummy tuck surgery helps to flatten and shape the abdomen and waist by removing excess skin and fat while also tightening the abdominal muscles. This is in contradistinction to liposuction, which is removal of fat alone without the removal of skin*. The best candidate for this procedure has excess skin without too much excess fat. The procedure can also be useful for women with stretched skin and lax abdominal muscles from pregnancy. In the majority of my patients, I combine tummy tuck with liposuction, the combination of which gives far superior results to either one of these procedures alone. More on that later on….

Who is a good candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

You may be considered an ideal candidate for a Tummy Tuck if you:

  • Are in good physical health
  • Have excess loose skin with little-to-no fat (if moderate amount of fat, then I combine with liposuction)
  • Are not obese
  • No longer plan to have children

For those who have a combination of excess skin and fat, I perform a 4D VASER Lipo-abdominoplasty (discussed later on) which combines liposuction to pre-contour the skin by reducing the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer with abdominoplasty to remove excess skin and tighten the abdominal musculature.

Tummy Tuck Before and After Photos

Your Guide To Tummy Tuck Surgery

Want to learn more about Tummy Tuck surgery? Download our free eBook, Dr. Epstein’s Guide to Selecting a Surgeon for Tummy Tuck surgery.

Liposuction Hauppauge NY

What are the benefits of an Abdominoplasty?

You can expect amazing benefits and results when you choose Dr. Epstein for your tummy tuck surgery. Abdominoplasty patients achieve:

  • Improved self-esteem
  • Contoured body
  • Better fitting clothes
  • Tightening muscles
  • Long-lasting results

Long Island plastic surgeon Dr. Mark Epstein will perform a thorough examination during your consultation to determine how tummy tuck surgery will benefit you.

Long Island Tummy Tuck Patient Testimonials

Dr. Epstein and his entire staff are incredible, patient and kind. There is always someone to speak to and you never feel like you are being rushed.

What should I know before the Tummy Tuck procedure?

Women with stretched skin and muscles from pregnancy often benefit from a tummy tuck. As pregnancy will stretch the abdominal skin, Dr. Epstein advises patients who plan to become pregnant to consider postponing this procedure until they are done having children. Dr. Epstein also recommends that the patient be at their ideal weight prior to surgery, so as to achieve the very best contouring result.

Patients who intend to lose weight should do so before undergoing the procedure. If you lose weight after the procedure, there may be additional laxity of the skin. Dr. Epstein requires that the patient not be a smoker, as nicotine interferes with the circulation of blood in the tissues after surgery and can increase the risk of complications substantially.

What Can I Expect During a Tummy Tuck Consultation?

During your tummy tuck consultation, you can expect to meet Dr. Epstein, who will analyze your medical history, current condition, and overall aesthetic goals to determine if you are a candidate for a tummy tuck procedure. If so, Dr. Epstein can then give you more information on what the tummy tuck procedure will entail. During this time, before photos may be taken, as well as a physical examination. Dr. Epstein will then use your information to develop a customized treatment plan for your tummy tuck procedure that will address all your concerns and goals.  Your consultation is the best time to ask Dr. Epstein about any questions you may have regarding a tummy tuck.

Will I Have Visible Scars?

Yes, because the tummy tuck procedure does involve incisions, most patients are left with visible scarring. However, over time, these scars can fade and become barely noticeable. It’s important for tummy tuck patients to remember that it may take up to two years for tummy tuck scars to mature fully. If the appearance of your scars still bothers you after this time, we are happy to recommend scar removal treatments that can help lighten and later eliminate the scars.

How Long Do Results Last?

The tummy tuck procedure is meant to last a lifetime. Once excess fat and skin is surgically removed from your abdomen area during a tummy tuck, the same skin will not return. However, if a patient gains or loses a significant amount of weight, the appearance of the results from your tummy tuck surgery may change.

Because of this, patients must be able to maintain a stable weight before, during, and after their tummy tuck in order to achieve the best, most long-lasting results. As your weight fluctuates, so will your tummy tuck results, which is why we recommend patients stick to a balanced diet and exercise routine to help keep their weight stable. 

How to prepare for your Abdominoplasty procedure

Before your Tummy Tuck surgery, we give you a very extensive handbook that includes preoperative and postoperative instructions. This includes showers with antibacterial soap and avoidance of certain over the counter medications. Be sure to listen to Dr. Epstein when he gives you the pre-operative preparation guidelines.

How is a Tummy Tuck performed?

These procedures may be performed on an outpatient or inpatient basis depending on your anatomy, the complexity of your surgery, your personal preferences and your overall medical health.The procedure takes approximately two to three hours and is performed with general anesthesia.

First, the abdominal skin and flanks are recontoured with VASER liposuction. After the abdominal skin is elevated off the abdominal wall and is tightened (“tightening the muscles” – really a misnomer – you cannot tighten muscles). Afterwards, the excess skin is removed and the wound is closed. Learn more about abdominoplasty surgery here.

Are there risks to Abdominoplasty surgery?

Fortunately serious complications are very rare. More common complications include a small fluid collection under the abdominal skin, irregularities in the contour at the very ends of the incision which are easily fixed under local anesthesia later. The preoperative handbook lists the risks in greater detail.

What medications will I use after Abdominoplasty?

Exparel, a non-narcotic local anesthetic that typically provides numbness in the abdominal wall for a few days will result in dramatically less post-operative discomfort and reduce the need for narcotics after surgery*. Narcotics frequently are responsible for post-operative nausea, vomiting and constipation. While using Exparel, there is dramatically less post-operative discomfort than we have seen in the past*! Several of our recent patients have noted ambulating with ease the same day as surgery and take only a few (2 or 3 to be exact!) pain pills the first couple of days.


Tummy Tuck Recovery Process

Recovery time from a Tummy Tuck ranges from two to six weeks, this can vary for each patient*. Of course, recovery is an ongoing process, so you will be able to do more and more gradually, but as a general guideline, we see patients driving in one to two weeks, and back to work in one to three weeks. Some do take longer to achieve these goals. It all depends on the individual, how motivated you are, and what type of work you do. In order to protect that muscle repair, we recommend not lifting more than 25 pounds or doing strenuous exercise for six to eight weeks.


What results can I expect from a Tummy Tuck?

You will notice a change immediately, but swelling will also commence immediately. It will take a few months to see the final results*. We often incorporate the services of a massage therapist to facilitate the removal of fluid from your tissues. With a balanced diet and regular exercise, results are long-lasting. The incision for abdominoplasty will leave a permanent scar extending from hip to hip, although it should be low enough that most items of clothing will conceal it.

Dr. Epstein’s Tummy Tuck Technique

Since 2011, Dr. Epstein has performed the tummy tuck abdominoplasty procedure using a new technique in which bothersome drainage tubes (usually two of them) are no longer required after surgery! You will feel better, no longer encumbered by drainage tubes coming out of your body as well as needing to regularly empty them and record the amount of drainage. He uses no bulky bandage dressings for the abdominoplasty (if you have liposuction of your flanks, there is a small dressing on your back). The incision is dressed with a thin mesh tape that acts as a water and bacteria resistant barrier. You can even shower the next morning after your procedure if you like. You will recover faster, more pleasurably and heal faster too.

The most common way that Dr. Epstein performs abdominoplasty is to combine the procedure with 4D VASER liposuction of the abdomen, a procedure called a 4D VASER lipoabdominoplasty. This is the most state of the art procedure for recontouring the abdomen. Most of the time 4D VASER lipoabdominoplasty is combined with VASER lipo of the flanks,back, arms,thighs, and fat transfer to the buttocks and hips.

Dr. Epstein’s Guide to Recontouring Your Abdomen

When I see patients in consultation for abdominal recontouring, I spend a fair amount of time with them to educate them. In an effort to enhance the patients understanding of what I am describing, I thought that a more detailed visual aid would be worthwhile, one that could be reviewed by the patient prior to meeting with me. This is why I have created this guide.  I have made extensive use of illustrations that I created with my medical illustrator, Kathleen Gebhart, to enhance the readers understanding of the textual information.

I strongly encourage anyone considering undergoing this procedure to read through the information contained within so as to have not only a better understanding of the procedure, but this knowledge will enhance the value of your consultation experience with your surgeon.

Prev Chapter: Introduction »
Next Chapter: How is an Abdominoplasty Performed? »

Schedule A Consultation

If you are tired of excess skin after working so hard to lose that extra weight, then it may be time to consider a Long Island Tummy Tuck with Dr. Mark Epstein. Call our Hauppauge office today at 631.689.1100 to schedule your abdominoplasty consultation today!

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