Breast Augmentation – Correction Of Lower Pole Stretch (Bottoming Out)

The case studies below are examples of women who underwent breast augmentation surgery and subsequently developed lower pole stretching resulting in inferior displacement of their lower inframammary folds (lower breast crease) causing bottoming out of her breasts. They subsequently underwent correction of the problem by re-elevating their inframammary folds to the original position.


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495ea0d70bcaf6a114d211b8dcc6945b.1001 lower pole stretch 1 preop r lat
ed20709df1a437a44e23a8288a9df6c9.1001 lower pole stretch 1 preop rao
40c94ba8512f3946dbd17705dd825c46.1001 lower pole stretch 1 preop lao
76822875f2c1236c4a5878c1076b2cf9.1001 lower pole stretch 1 preop l lat

6 Months After Revision

d75a4dd920175b3a4910529d306f147d.1001 lower pole stretch 1 postop ap
bc82d0d7c0bb46754d7d3e6ab08e7a09.1001 lower pole stretch 1 postop r lat
a2dbd0a26a79c47241c626065f502a3e.1001 lower pole stretch 1 postop rao
eb156def60e76e77c46e5bd71a416803.1001 lower pole stretch 1 postop lao
ec6364239a8a39e0e11566ba4c953a94.1001 lower pole stretch 1 postop l lat

Patient Information: 24 year old female underwent inframammary (below the breast) placement of 286cc round silicone gel filled implants under the muscle. Initially, the implant placement was perfect. Only four months later, she developed lower pole stretch with inferior displacement of the lower breast creases. As the crease dropped, the scar which was initially in her crease, was now above the crease.

The left images show her just prior to undergoing revision demonstrating significant inferior displacement of the lower breast crease. The images on the right show the patient six months after revision with a stable result. There is restoration of upper pole fullness, reduction in lower pole fullness and the nipple areolar complex (the “nipple”) was restored to the proper position.


c86e005ad76fbc1f8509f30ef8d02951.10081 ap postop2
bf198b8066bf202be9a40cfc1bf661c9.10081 r lat postop2
4ce81622e0eaadb2074c8497ae0001c2.10081 r obl postop2
e392c111ecc66b16914d2ffee6d244b1.10081 l obl postop2
af909926de06e53f4ecc64a41cbb282c.10081 l lat postop2

6 Months After Revision

e7ed8ede547fa2805fe95428422c12df.10081 ap postop
57b6b59f8b7c506e177739c9a910a2cd.10081 r lat postop
22e1ed10705615030d083c2263230578.10081 r obl postop
3867afd1e5a1db310780a3c7604570e9.10081 l obl postop
a0ee6c00bd8629dc6a095d3d5d17ccaa.10081 l lat postop

Patient Information: 30 year old female underwent inframammary (below the breast) placement of 300cc anatomical saline gel filled implants under the muscle. Initial mplant placement was perfect. Only four months later (top right), she developed lower pole stretch with inferior displacement of the lower breast creases.

The left five images show her just prior to undergoing revision demonstrating significant inferior displacement of the lower breast crease. The images on the right show the patient six months after revision with a stable result. There is restoration of upper pole fullness, reduction in lower pole fullness and the nipple areolar complex (the “nipple”) was restored to the proper position.

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