Case ID: 22471
Patient Information: 35 year old female underwent bilateral breast augmentation with SSM 255cc R 310cc L Round Smooth Gummy implants Cup size increased from an A to a C
Breast Enhancement With Silicone Round “Gummy” ImplantsCase ID: 22471
Patient Information: 35 year old female underwent bilateral breast augmentation with SSM 255cc R 310cc L Round Smooth Gummy implants Cup size increased from an A to a C
Breast Enhancement With Silicone Round “Gummy” ImplantsCase ID: 22478
Patient Information: 35 year old female underwent inframammary (below the breast) placement of style SSM 345cc Round Smooth “Gummy” Silicone gel. Patient now has volume in the lower pole with a lowered breast crease. The upper pole has moderate volume with a nice slope. Postop photo is taken a year
Breast Enhancement With Silicone Round “Gummy” ImplantsCase ID: 22411
Patient Information: 32 year old female underwent inframammary (below the breast) placement of style SSM 275 cc round, smooth, silicone gel “soft touch” gummy filled implants under the muscle. Cup size increase A to C.
Breast Enhancement With Silicone Round “Gummy” ImplantsCase ID: 22433
Patient Information: 28 year old female underwent inframammary (below the breast) placement of style SCM Right: 295 cc, Left: 275 cc round, smooth, silicone gel “highly cohesive” gummy filled implants under the muscle. Cup size increase A to D.
Breast Enhancement With Silicone Round “Gummy” ImplantsCase ID: 22414
Patient Information: 52 year old female underwent inframammary (below the breast) placement of style SCM Right: 375 cc, Left: 345 cc round, smooth, silicone gel “soft touch” gummy filled implants under the muscle. Cup size increase C to D. She also underwent VASER liposuction of the abdomen and flanks, and BodyTite
Breast Enhancement With Silicone Round “Gummy” ImplantsCase ID: 22502
Patient information: 22-year-old female underwent a bilateral augmentation using 310cc SSM round silicone gel-filled implants in the submuscular position. It should be noted that this patient declined a lift. Post-op images were taken 2 years later.
Breast Augmentation With Silicone Round ImplantsCase ID: 22412
Patient Information: 40 year old female underwent inframammary (below the breast) placement of style SSM 255 cc round, smooth, silicone gel “soft touch” gummy filled implants under the muscle. Nipples were very asymmetrically positioned on the breasts before surgery. This cannot be changed with surgery without disfiguring scars, which this
Breast Enhancement With Silicone Round “Gummy” ImplantsCase ID: 22404
Patient Information: 51 year old female underwent inframammary (below the breast) placement of style SCM 330 cc round, smooth, silicone gel “soft touch” gummy filled implants under the muscle. Cup size increase A to C.
Breast Augmentation – Silicone Round “Gummy” ImplantsCase ID: 22402
Patient Information: 30 year old female underwent inframammary (below the breast) placement of style SSM 310 cc round, smooth, silicone gel “soft touch” gummy filled implants under the muscle. Cup size increase B to C.
Breast Augmentation – Silicone Round “Gummy” ImplantsCase ID: 22385
Patient Information: 39 year old female underwent inframammary (below the breast) placement of style SSM 310 cc round, smooth, silicone gel “soft touch” gummy filled implants under the muscle. Cup size increase A to C.
Breast Augmentation – Silicone Round “Gummy” Implant