Before & After Gallery

Buttock augmentation - fat transfer

Individual results may vary.

Case ID: 22225-1

Before and After Images
Before Image: VASER 4D Lipo of the abdomen, flanks, inner and outer thighs, fat transfer to the buttocks and hips - left-side
After Image: VASER 4D Lipo of the abdomen, flanks, inner and outer thighs, fat transfer to the buttocks and hips - left-side
VASER 4D Lipo of the abdomen, flanks, inner and outer thighs, fat transfer to the buttocks and hips
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Patient Information: 42 year old female underwent VASER 4D liposuction of the abdomen, flanks inner and outer thighs as well as fat transfer to the buttocks and hips. The fat removed was then placed into the hips and buttocks.Her breast augmentation was performed previously using 410 Gummy bear implants and

VASER 4D Lipo of the abdomen, flanks, inner and outer thighs, fat transfer to the buttocks and hips

Case ID: 22505-1

Before and After Images
Before Image: 4-D VASER lipoabdominoplasty, flanks and back, BodyTite of back, fat transfer to buttocks and hips - front
After Image: 4-D VASER lipoabdominoplasty, flanks and back, BodyTite of back, fat transfer to buttocks and hips - front
4-D VASER lipoabdominoplasty, flanks and back, BodyTite of back, fat transfer to buttocks and hips
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Patient Information: 43 year old female who desires recontouring of her abdomen, breasts and trunk. She will underwent VASER liposuction of these areas as well as 4D VASER lipoabdominoplasty. Prior to surgery this patient has excessive skin around her lower abdomen. You can see not only has the excessive skin

4-D VASER lipoabdominoplasty, flanks and back, BodyTite of back, fat transfer to buttocks and hips

Case ID: 22289-1

Before and After Images
Before Image: Lipoabdominoplasty - front
After Image: Lipoabdominoplasty - front
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Patient information: 45 yr old female who underwent VASER lipoabdominoplasty, VASER flanks and fat transfer to the buttocks and hips. Note the better contoured abdomen with muscular definition and shapely waist (second row), rounder buttocks (fourth row), complete and more curvaceous profile (seventh row). Breast reduction performed several years prior by another


Case ID: 22479-1

Before and After Images
Before Image: VASER liposuction of the flanks, 4-D VASER lipoabdominoplasty, fat transfer - front
After Image: VASER liposuction of the flanks, 4-D VASER lipoabdominoplasty, fat transfer - front
VASER liposuction of the flanks, 4-D VASER lipoabdominoplasty, fat transfer
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Patient Information: 44 year old female underwent VASER liposuction of the flanks,  4-D VASER lipoabdominoplasty, fat transfer to buttocks and hips. This patient now has a desirable waist with a flat abdomen. The fat transfer has created a more sculpted buttocks. This patient is 14 months postop

VASER liposuction of the flanks, 4-D VASER lipoabdominoplasty, fat transfer

Case ID: 11154-1

Before and After Images
Before Image: Vaser 4D Lipo-abdominoplasty, fat transfer to buttocks - front
After Image: Vaser 4D Lipo-abdominoplasty, fat transfer to buttocks - front
Vaser 4D Lipo-abdominoplasty, fat transfer to buttocks
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Patient Information: 45 year old female, mother of two, underwent VASER 4D Lipoabdominoplasty with VASER back, flanks, inner and outer thighs, abdomen, fat transfer buttocks (Brazilian butt lift) and creation of a new umbilicus (belly button). One of the “dead-givaways” of an abdominoplasty is the circular scar around the umbilicus

Vaser 4D Lipo-abdominoplasty, fat transfer to buttocks

Case ID: 22486-1

Before and After Images
Before Image: 4-D Vaser lipoabdominoplasty, Vaser lipo of flanks, fat transfer to buttocks and hips - front
After Image: 4-D Vaser lipoabdominoplasty, Vaser lipo of flanks, fat transfer to buttocks and hips - front
4-D Vaser lipoabdominoplasty, Vaser lipo of flanks, fat transfer to buttocks and hips
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Patient Information: 48 year old female who underwent 4D VASER abdominoplasty and fat transfer to the buttocks and hips. Best seen in the side views, the abdomen is noticeably flatter and tighter. Notice how drastically her silhouette transformed after lipo of the flank and hip area. The fat transfer gives

4-D Vaser lipoabdominoplasty, Vaser lipo of flanks, fat transfer to buttocks and hips

Case ID: 22445-1

Before and After Images
Before Image: VASER 4D lipo-abdominoplasty, VASER lipo of flanks, inner/outer thighs, bodytite of inner thighs, fat transfer to buttocks and hips - front
After Image: VASER 4D lipo-abdominoplasty, VASER lipo of flanks, inner/outer thighs, bodytite of inner thighs, fat transfer to buttocks and hips - front
VASER 4D lipo-abdominoplasty, VASER lipo of flanks, inner/outer thighs, bodytite of inner thighs, fat transfer to buttocks and hips
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Patient information: 48 yr old female who underwent VASER 4D lipo-abdominoplasty, VASER lipo of flanks, inner/outer thighs, bodytite of inner thighs, fat transfer to buttocks and hips. She also underwent removal of breast implants, mastopexy (breast lift) and fat transfer to breasts. Photos taken 3 months post op The breasts

VASER 4D lipo-abdominoplasty, VASER lipo of flanks, inner/outer thighs, bodytite of inner thighs, fat transfer to buttocks and hips

Case ID: 22442-1

Before and After Images
Before Image: 4D VASER Liposuction of the Abdomen, Flanks, Back with Fat Transfer to Buttocks and Hips in a Patient who already had a Tummy Tuck - front
After Image: 4D VASER Liposuction of the Abdomen, Flanks, Back with Fat Transfer to Buttocks and Hips in a Patient who already had a Tummy Tuck - front
4D VASER Liposuction of the Abdomen, Flanks, Back with Fat Transfer to Buttocks and Hips in a Patient who already had a Tummy Tuck
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Patient information: 40 yr old female who previously underwent an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) wanted more definition to her abdomen and trunk. She underwent VASER lipo of abdomen, flanks and back with with fat transfer to hips and buttocks. (she also underwent excision of a small skin lesion on her left thigh). Her

4D VASER Liposuction of the Abdomen, Flanks, Back with Fat Transfer to Buttocks and Hips in a Patient who already had a Tummy Tuck

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