Laser Skin Resurfacing in Hauppauge, NY

*Individual results may vary

In our office, Microneedling has replaced lasers for skin resurfacing.

As we age, our skin begins to change as a result of several different life factors. The natural collagen within the skin begins to diminish and skin may sag and droop. Smoking, alcohol consumption, sun exposure, nutrition and more can also lead to the development of wrinkles and fine lines within the skin. Other skin conditions such as acne, brown spots and chicken pox can leave unattractive blemishes on the skin. Some people consider turning to non-surgical cosmetic treatments to correct a variety of concerns. At our office we have replaced all laser treatments with Microneedling for the best results.

Microneedling vs Lasers for Skin Resurfacing

Microneedling and laser treatments are both used for skin resurfacing. Microneedling uses radio-frequency to address the areas of concern more efficiently. Patients tend to prefer Microneedling treatments because they are less invasive and typically have a shorter treatment time. On average Microneedling requires fewer treatments, leaving patients happy and satisfied. Dr. Epstein does not offer Laser Skin Resurfacing anymore. Microneedling produces better results.

What is skin resurfacing?

Laser skin resurfacing, or laser facial resurfacing, is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and other skin irregularities. It offers patients many advantages over traditional resurfacing procedures such as chemical peels and microdermabrasion, as it practically eliminates side effects such as discomfort, bleeding and bruising.

Facial Resurfacing Procedure

Laser skin resurfacing is commonly performed with either a carbon dioxide (CO2) or an erbium laser. Although the process for these procedures is very similar, the erbium laser is typically used to treat deeper lines and wrinkles within the face, hands, neck and chest. It is also better for darker skin tones. Your doctor will determine which laser is best for you after evaluating the condition of your skin and your medical history, while also considering your desired results.

How does skin resurfacing work?

During the laser skin resurfacing procedure, the laser energy is used to remove layers of damaged skin to leave the treated area smoother and more even through short pulsed light energy that is precisely delivered to the area. The laser is moved over the targeted area multiple times until imperfections are no longer visible and a smooth layer of skin is left. The laser energy causes minimal heat damage to the surrounding structures.

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How long will the treatment take?

This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and uses local anesthesia to help minimize discomfort. The entire procedure can take anywhere from 30 minute to two hours to perform, depending on the size and condition of the treated area. Some patients may require more than one procedure in order to achieve their desired results.

Before & After Scar Removal

Click here to view the before and after case for a laser skin resurfacing patient of Dr. Mark Epstein.

Recovery from Facial Treatment

After the laser skin resurfacing procedure, patients may experience mild swelling and discomfort for a few days.* These symptoms can be controlled with ice packs and medication prescribed by your doctor. Patients will also experience redness that gradually diminishes as the skin heals. Most patients can return to normal activities after a few days. However, redness may persist for several weeks.

Resurfacing Results

The results of laser skin resurfacing may take months to fully appear, after all signs of redness have diminished. Although the results are long-lasting, they are not permanent. The skin will still be subjected to the natural effects of aging. However, your skin will appear younger and smoother than if you had never had any treatment at all.

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Risks of Facial Resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing is considered safe for most patients, however, there are certain risks associated with any type of procedure. Some of these risks may include scarring, infection, abnormal healing, allergic reactions or skin pigmentation. However, these risks are considered rare, and most patients undergo these procedures with no major complications.

Schedule A Consultation

If you are interested in learning more about laser skin resurfacing, please call us today at 631.689.1100 to schedule a consultation.

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Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

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