Maryellen Ponzini
Please feel free to call or email me whenever you need to reach me:
- You have not yet made contact with this office and would like to obtain information about a particular product or service
- Would like to schedule a cosmetic consultation or perhaps a second consultation
- Need to reschedule or cancel a consultation
- Wish to schedule or reschedule a date for surgery
- Have any question relating to the logistics of your surgery (preoperative appt, medical clearance, questions about instructions before surgery, payment, travel from out of town)
- Have not yet had surgery and have a question for Dr. Epstein (questions after surgery are best called to front desk and will be given immediately to Dr. Epstein/nursing staff)
- Anything else that you think I may be able to assist you with
Please feel free at anytime to contact me at Tel: 631.689.1100 or
You may also feel free to use the "CLICK TO CONTACT US" button at the bottom.