Contact Our Surgical Coordinator

Maryellen Ponzini

Please feel free to call or email me whenever you need to reach me:

  • You have not yet made contact with this office and would like to obtain information about a particular product or service
  • Would like to schedule a cosmetic consultation or perhaps a second consultation
  • Need to reschedule or cancel a consultation
  • Wish to schedule or reschedule a date for surgery
  • Have any question relating to the logistics of your surgery (preoperative appt, medical clearance, questions about instructions before surgery, payment, travel from out of town)
  • Have not yet had surgery and have a question for Dr. Epstein (questions after surgery are best called to front desk and will be given immediately to Dr. Epstein/nursing staff)
  • Anything else that you think I may be able to assist you with

Please feel free at anytime to contact me at Tel: 631.689.1100 or

You may also feel free to use the "CLICK TO CONTACT US" button at the bottom.

Ready to Schedule Your Appointment?

We would love to discuss your options with you! Click on the button below to fill out a form, and a member of our team will be in touch with you shortly.

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Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

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