Case Details
Patient Information: 45 year old female, mother of two, underwent VASER 4D Lipoabdominoplasty with VASER back, flanks, inner and outer thighs, abdomen, fat transfer buttocks (Brazilian butt lift) and creation of a new umbilicus (belly button). One of the “dead-givaways” of an abdominoplasty is the circular scar around the umbilicus on the abdomen. In her case, the entire umbilicus was completely excised, and then re-created a couple months after abdominoplasty under local anesthesia. This technique does not result in a circular scar around the umbilicus. Note the more contoured, muscular abdomen, especially seen from the side. On the back, the paraspinal muscles are better visualized running along side the spine. The waist is better defined and the buttocks enhanced and reshaped. And yes, there is a scar across the waist, but it is very faint, and well below the bikini line.