Labiaplasty – No Longer Taboo

A cornerstone of my practice philosophy is “no shame”. If something bothers you about the appearance of your face, breasts or body, you can talk to me about it without fear of judgment. I think this is one of the reasons why I became an early adopter of the labiaplasty procedure. Working with my Mommy Makeover patients, for example, I discovered that many of them were uncomfortable with the look of their vaginal lips. Labiaplasty has since become one of my specialities. I love being able to help my patients feel better about themselves everywhere — including “down there”.



Aesthetic and Functional Benefits of Labiaplasty

Your reasons for wanting a labiaplasty may be purely aesthetic. Some patients don’t like the way that their labia minora, which are the inner lips of the vagina, look. They can be uneven or misshapen, and this may make you feel self conscious in certain clothes or when naked with a partner.

However, overly large labia minora can also cause functional issues. When the inner lips of the vagina hang past the outer lips, it may result in irritation and discomfort during:

  • Sexual intercourse
  • Horseback riding
  • Exercise
  • Cycling
  • Riding a motorcycle

It can even affect your ability to wear certain clothes that you like such as tight jeans or yoga pants. A labiaplasty is a surgical procedure to reduce the size of the labia minora, improving both form and function.

3D Imaging & Labiaplasty

I spend a lot of time during the consultation explaining any procedure, but this is particularly important with something like a labiaplasty. This is an area of the body that many women are not very familiar with, and it is a sensitive area emotionally. I want to do everything possible to make you feel comfortable before we get to the examination phase. This is where photos, illustrations and 3D imaging can be a game changer. There are a number of different labiaplasty techniques. The right one for you is going to depend exclusively on your anatomy and needs. With a 3D image, I can show you exactly what you can expect from your surgery. This really helps put patients at ease so that when we finally get to the examination and surgery phase, you will understand exactly what I am doing and why. Furthermore, my approach with my labiaplasty patients is to be very matter of fact and professional. I am here to help you feel like the best version of you.

Labiaplasty Procedure

The goal of a labiaplasty procedure is to reduce the size and configuration of the inner lips. There is typically both a horizontal excess of tissue and a vertical excess of tissue. For this reason, I don’t tend to use the lateral trimming technique as it only addresses a horizontal excess of tissue. I tend to prefer the other two labiaplasty techniques which are the:

  • Central Wedge Resection Technique
  • Custom Flask Resection Technique

The procedure can be performed under general or local anesthesia and only takes about an hour. You can expect a moderate amount of swelling and bruising afterwards, but most patients don’t experience a great deal of post-op discomfort.

High Patient Satisfaction Rating

One of the reasons that I love performing labiaplasty is that it is a surgery with a low complication rate that delivers a high degree of patient satisfaction. Not only do my labiaplasty patients love the way that their southern area looks, but they are also thrilled with the functional improvement. The lack of pain and irritation will allow you to fully embrace life again and will definitely improve your sex life.

There is an art to achieving an exemplary labiaplasty. It takes practice which is why it is important that you see an experienced, Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon such as myself.

To find out more about a labiaplasty, or any surgical or non-surgical procedure with Dr. Mark Epstein in Hauppauge, Long Island, contact us today or call 631-689-1100 to schedule a consultation.

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