The Consultation Process – What to Anticipate


I have created a highly informative website with useful factual information as well as many high quality photographs. I strongly encourage you to review as much of this material as you can so that your consultation experience will be meaningful and you will obtain the most information possible. The more educated you are about breast augmentation, the more empowered you will be to make the very best decisions regarding the surgical plan.

My office personnel are extremely helpful, friendly and knowledgeable and will spend time with you on the telephone to answer your preliminary questions prior to your consultation. For our out of town guests, they will also assist you in finding local transportation and accommodations.

Informative material will be mailed or e-mailed to you (time permitting) ahead of time prior to the actual consultation. If your consult date is shortly after your initial contact with our office, you will receive this material when you come in for your consultation.

I feel very confident of the quality of our services and my surgical results. I encourage you to make appointments with other plastic surgeons so that you will feel even more confident in your selection to have me perform your surgery, should you choose to do so.

I strongly suggest that you read the comprehensive online guide to breast augmentation on this website. The One-Day Recovery Breast Augmentation is for real! Many of my patients go out to dinner, the mall and visit friends the same day as their surgery! This technique has revolutionized my breast augmentation practice.

We now have a patient portal that you can use to fill out your initial patient forms such as medical history online ahead of the date of your consultation. This will save you substantial time in our office filling out forms.

We do charge a fee for the consultation. Consultations are comprehensive, include Vectra 3D imaging with photos to take home, and you will be able to access your 3D images on your home computer. Consultation time with me is about 45 minutes. Should you do decide to schedule surgery, the consultation fee is applied in full towards the surgical fee.

Breast Augmentation Consultation

  • A thorough medical history and examination of your breasts will be performed by me, including detailed measurements of your breast dimensions and an assessment of your tissue characteristics. This is essential to the proper planning and execution of a breast augmentation. I will analyze your anatomy and discuss with you any specific issues that may be of concern, as well as make recommendations as to what choices you have for surgery, the advantages and disadvantages of each, and how best to proceed. You will have more than ample time to ask me all your questions. I would suggest that you write down on paper as many questions as you have and bring them to the consultation so that you can be assured to have all your questions answered, making the consultation experience more worthwhile.
  • Computerized 3 dimensional imaging will be performed utilizing the Canfield Vectra system. First, a 3-D photo of your torso is taken, and then the augmentation itself is simulated on the image of your breasts. While this is not by any means an exact prediction of your surgical results, it is far better at giving you, the patient, an idea of what to expect from breast augmentation surgery than any other means that I am familiar with. I will expand on this more later on when I address how to select an implant size. Should you also require a breast lift (mastopexy), that can be simulated on the Vectra computer system as well. View a demo of the 3D simulation
  • You will meet with my surgical coordinator who will review with you all the logistical issues (scheduling, cost, etc) of your surgery. She will be your contact person, should you have questions at any time before or after surgery. If any questions need to be answered by me, she will either direct me to answer your questions, or invite you in for another consultation should that be a more appropriate way to proceed.
  • Plan on spending about 60 to 90 minutes in our office for your initial consultation with us.

Breast Sculptor Interactive Animations

canfield bra simulation

Wish You Could Visualize the Results Before Surgery?


Two rotating topless female torsos side by side, with one on right having larger breasts after breast augmentation surgery

A Successful Outcome of Breast Augmentation

Vectra 3D – Learn about our three dimensional computerized simulation of surgical results

Ready to Schedule Your Appointment?

We would love to discuss your options with you! Click on the button below to fill out a form, and a member of our team will be in touch with you shortly.

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Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

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