What is the "One-Day Breast Augmentation Recovery Technique"?
"One-Day Breast Augmentation Surgery" is Dr. Epstein's term for a system of breast augmentation originally devised by John Tebbetts, M.D. Patients undergoing breast augmentation by this technique enjoy a recovery time of 24 hours, as well as have dramatically less post operative discomfort and downtime. Blood loss is negligible. It also is associated with the lowest published reoperation rates (less than 2% in my experience), far less than the national average (about 20% for silicone gel implants). Dr. Epstein was personally taught this technique by Dr. Tebbetts in 2004.
Using traditional breast augmentation surgical technique, patients often complain of a considerable amount of pain, swelling, and bruising. Using the "One-Day Breast Augmentation Recovery Technique", the amount of swelling is minimal, bruising is very uncommon and post operative discomfort is drastically diminished. Most all of our patients are able to raise their arms up high over their heads before leaving our facility. Some patients have even applied makeup as well as brushed their hair before leaving the recovery room to go home!
See the below videos to see how my patient Jennifer looked 24 hours after surgery (well worth watching!!!)
You may experience a sense of "tightness, but in our experience you have approximately a 98% chance (based upon 2008 -2012 patient data) to not need narcotic pain medicine. For the last several years, I do not recall a single patient needing a prescription for narcotic pain relievers. Advil and or Tylenol will be more than enough to manage any discomfort you may experience. We will give you a thorough set of postoperative instructions to guide you through the first several days following your surgery. If you follow these instructions, a 24 hour return to most activities of daily living (with the exception of heavy strenuous exercise) including driving and returning to work is anticipated.
Although there are no guarantees as to the results and recovery regarding any surgical procedure, the following are findings from our extensive experience with this technique. Following surgery, patients are provided with surveys to detail their experience during the first 24 - 48 hours. The 2007 survey revealed that 92% of patients required nothing stronger than ibuprofen (Advil) after surgery and 86% of patients returned to normal activities the following day (except strenuous exercise), including driving in most cases. Dr. Epstein continued to refine his technique. In 2008 - 2012 patient surveys demonstrated that 97% of his patients required nothing stronger than ibuprofen (Advil) after surgery and 98% returned to normal activities the following day (except strenuous exercise), including driving in most cases. All of our patients have been able to raise their arms above their head while still in the recovery room before discharge home.
During the first three weeks, heavy lifting (greater than 25 pounds) or strenuous aerobic exercise should be avoided after breast augmentation surgery. You can typically return to work within a few days (even the next day if you feel up to it!) unless your work requires strenuous effort. At three weeks, there are no restrictions upon your activities.
There are no bandages or straps required after surgery. Although the surgical incision is closed with several layers of dissolvable sutures, a thin layer of Dermabond glue is all that is required to dress the wound after surgery. Showering is encouraged the same day as your surgery! Any post-operative discomfort, swelling, and sensitivity will diminish over the first few weeks. Sensation in your nipples may be altered temporarily, but should return to normal as your breasts heal. You may find a soft, sports bra with a front closure to provide some comfort after your surgery, but it is not essential.
After healing, some permanent scarring may remain, although scars from breast augmentation incisions will typically begin to fade in a few months and will continue to fade for the first few years. Scars placed within the crease below the breasts are usually inconspicuous. Dr. Epstein's goal will be to make them as inconspicuous as possible. Below are typical scars from two of my patients (scars can vary from patient to patient as everyone has different ways in which their body creates scar tissue).
I will personally call you later in the evening the day of surgery. My office staff will call you the day after surgery to check on you and see if you are having any concerns. I will see you quite frequently after surgery. The first visit is either one or two days after surgery. The breasts are examined and an initial post operative set of photos obtained. You will fill out a very brief questionnaire (one page) about your surgical experience. I will then see you at three weeks after surgery to make sure that you are doing well and that there are no problems. Next, I will see you at four, eight and twelve months, to make sure that the breasts are re-shaping normally. You may return annually, to make sure that your results are long-lasting.
Recovering in Just 24 Hours!
One of the advantages of the approach to breast augmentation that I use is that my patients can recover from breast augmentation surgery in just 24 hours (and sometimes a lot less!). How do I know this?
From January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2012, all patients undergoing breast augmentation were given a one page questionnaire to fill out on day one or two after surgery. The form asks ten questions about recovery as well as if they required any medication other than Advil (ibuprofen) for post operative discomfort and whether or not they were able to resume all their preoperative activities of daily living (except strenuous exercise) within 24 hours of surgery. The results demonstrated that 97% of patients required nothing stronger than Advil and 98% of patients achieved a 24 hour recovery. Since I began using this technique in June 2004, every single patient has been able to raise their arms up over their head before they left the recovery room.
Beware of surgeons making claims for a quick, speedy or "Rapid Recovery" (I don't like that term - its too vague - just how quick is "rapid"? A day?, a week?, a month?) from breast augmentation. If the surgeon cannot assure you of the following, it is not "The Real Deal".
Features of a One-Day Recovery from Breast Augmentation Include:
- No narcotic pain relievers, sedatives and muscle relaxers are prescribed
- No pain pumps, long acting local anesthetics, nerve blocks, drains, binders, special bras are used
- No limitation of normal activities from the evening of surgery (aerobic activities excluded)
- Patients are encouraged to go out to dinner, shopping, visit friends and family the same day as surgery.
- Patients can routinely place their hands high above their heads right after surgery
- Breast implant size will be determined by precise measurements of your breasts coupled with detailed assessment of your breast tissues
- The surgeon will provide you with patients that you can speak to who underwent the procedure
- Get Up And Go-One Day Recovery Breast Augmentation
- What Is Different About The One-Day Recovery Breast Augmentation?
- One-Day Recovery Vs. Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation
- One-Day Recovery Breast Augmentation – The Process
- Surgery – Where And How Is It Performed?
- Will I Have Nausea Or Vomiting After Surgery?
- How Much Discomfort Will I Have After Surgery?
- How does a breast lift affect the recovery?
- Instructions Before & After Surgery
- What Will I Be Able To Do For The First 24 Hours After My Surgery?
- What To Expect As I Heal?
Prev Chapter: Five key decisions you need to make »
Next Chapter: Anesthesia – General, Sedation or Local? »
Chapters – Breast Augmentation Guide
- Motiva Breast Implants
- Intro to Breast Augmentation
- Five key decisions you need to make
- One-Day Recovery Breast Augmentation
- Anesthesia – General, Sedation or Local?
- Breast Lift (Mastopexy) with/without Implants or Fat
- What else should I know about breast augmentation?
- Important Things to Consider When You Decide to Move Forward With Breast Augmentation
- Revision of breast augmentation
- ALCL and Breast Implant Illness