
Case Details
Patient Information: 40 year old female (no children, no weight loss) who has severely lax breast tissues. She underwent mastopexy using a technique involving rebuilding and reformation of the glandular tissue inside the breast, followed by a modification of the outer skin “brassiere”. This technique is usually reserved for patients who have undergone substantial weight loss. Even though she does not have a history of massive weight loss, her breasts have similar tissue quality to those individuals who have lost significant amounts of weight. This particular technique requires the use of a scar around the areola and a vertical scar from areola to lower breast crease AND a scar in the lower breast crease because of the severe excess of skin. A small amount of tissue was removed from the left side to equalize the breast volumes. Seri surgical scaffolding was placed inside the breast to act as an “internal bra”. The Seri mesh will be absorbed in 2 – 3 years and be replaced by a new layer of natural tissue about 3 mm thick which should continue to support the breast.