Month: November 2009
Three dimensional imaging for breast augmentation – A useful tool or just another marketing ploy? Part III
Part III – A comparison of the available systems – one plastic surgeons personal opinion There are currently two systems available for computerized imaging and simulation of breast augmentation surgery. Portrait 3D manufactured by AxisThree, a company funded by Siemens and started in 2002. AxisThree claims to use technology developed by Siemens in the…
Three dimensional imaging for breast augmentation – A useful tool or just another marketing ploy? Part II
Part II – How three dimensional imaging is used in my breast augmentation practice When I see a patient in consultation for breast augmentation, I inquire as to what the patient is looking to achieve. I examine the patient and make recommendations as to what implant I think is best for them. The exact…
Three dimensional imaging for breast augmentation – A useful tool or just another marketing ploy? Part I
Part I – What three dimensional imaging systems are I have always enjoyed technology. Since I was a teenager in the early 1970’s, I loved electronics (computing wasn’t even a hobby back then). For my pre-med major in college, I studied Biomedical and Electrical Engineering at Northwestern. It was there that I obtained a…