Breast Implants

Implants Don’t Create Cleavage

“Breast Implants Don’t Create Cleavage” Fashion can be fickle. Trends come into style and move out of style with little rhyme or reason. This is as true for hemlines as it is for cleavage. During the 1800’s, for example, cleavage was created with the help of a corset, but by the 1920’s, the flapper…

Implant Exchange or Implant Removal — Which is Right for You?

Breast revision surgery is one of those octopus procedures as it encompasses a number of different options. It can be confusing for many patients, especially with social media. You may think you want one thing when you actually need another. This is why it is so important to schedule an in-person consultation. As a…

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The Plastic Surgery Channel has a new member!

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Mark Epstein has been invited to be a distinguished member of a very exciting, new authority and resource for patients in plastic surgery! The Plastic Surgery Channel’s goal is to educate, inform and influence the world of plastic surgery and it needs experts to do it! That’s…

Incision Indecision – Which incision is best in Breast Augmentation?

Boy, have times changed in the incision decision department! When the FDA took the old silicone gels off the market in the 1990′s, we were forced into using nothing but saline implants for over 16 years. Saline implants come to the surgeon empty and are filled through a valve after they are placed (one…

Breast Augmentation and Cup Size – when should you buy new bras?

This question came in from a friend of one of our patients who had surgery with another surgeon – not Dr. Epstein, as he would never promise a patient a certain cup size!  He does, however, listen carefully to the patient’s desires, which is often expressed in cup size, but helps them understand that…

Breast Augmentation and Exercise ~ the One Day Recovery Augmentation Effect

Deciding to have breast implants means deciding to have surgery.  When you have surgery, there will be a few things that you cannot do as you would usually do for a little while and sometimes there will be things that change forever and therefore your life must change too.  The degree to which your…

One Day Recovery Breast Augmentation Defined

If you allow Google to do your research for you in breast augmentation recovery, you will find many interesting terms when you search for the best recovery in breast augmentation.  Terms like Rapid, Quick, Speedy, Flash all start to surface but when you delve into them, somehow the terms don’t match the actual recovery…

Mommy Makeovers ~ beautiful breasts and sculpted torsos!

You know how painful childbirth is, right?  It’s why God gave us epidurals!  Anyway, childbirth is one of the toughest things women go through – oh and don’t forget the pregnancy part! – and yet even though it’s painful, we still love our kids and would, and do, do it again and again!  However,…

One Day Recovery Breast Augmentation – A Real Recovery Experience

When something seems too good to be true, it usually is, right?  That is exactly what Dr. Epstein’s patient, Jennifer, thought when she heard about One Day Breast Augmentation Recovery as she was researching the procedure and plastic surgeons.  Everyone she encountered – surgeons and friends – said that the rapid, quick, one day…

Are “Gummy Bear” Breast Implants Right for You?

Women seek breast augmentation for a variety of different reasons, and each patient has their own idea of what they want out of this procedure. Many women look to breast augmentation for results that look natural, as if surgery hasn’t taken place. For these patients, the Allergan Natrelle® 410 Highly Cohesive Silicone Gel, or…

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