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The Plastic Surgery Channel has a new member!

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Mark Epstein has been invited to be a distinguished member of a very exciting, new authority and resource for patients in plastic surgery! The Plastic Surgery Channel’s goal is to educate, inform and influence the world of plastic surgery and it needs experts to do it! That’s…

Mommy Makeovers ~ beautiful breasts and sculpted torsos!

You know how painful childbirth is, right?  It’s why God gave us epidurals!  Anyway, childbirth is one of the toughest things women go through – oh and don’t forget the pregnancy part! – and yet even though it’s painful, we still love our kids and would, and do, do it again and again!  However,…

New Beauty Magazine Features Dr. Mark Epstein!

New Beauty magazine is famous for finding the latest and greatest in everything from skin care to diet and exercise to plastic and cosmetic surgery.  Currently it is featuring the innovations of Dr. Mark Epstein, Stony Brook, Long Island, NY, plastic surgeon.  For over ten years, Dr. Epstein has been performing One-Day Recovery Breast…

The Benefits of 4D-VASER Body Sculpting

4D-VASER body sculpting combines liposuction with abdominoplasty. Combining these procedures provides for a more attractive contour by eliminating unwanted skin during the removal of excess fat. This procedure has been referred to in the media as “six pack abs surgery.” This process leads to more muscle definition and smoother body contours. Why choose 4D-VASER…

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