Year: 2010

Botox? Fillers? Surgery? – Which Do I Need?

In my busy aesthetic surgical practice, I see many patients desiring to rejuvenate their facial appearance, but they are not sure as to what they need. They ask me if they need. They ask me if they should get Botox or fillers, which is less invasive than surgery, or go with surgery for a…

Heidi Montag’s Plastic Surgery Disaster

While doing some grocery shopping tonight (yes, plastic surgeons do grocery shopping) I saw this month’s Life & Style cover story “Heidi’s New Surgery Disaster.” Being a cosmetic plastic surgeon this naturally piqued my curiosity so I bought the magazine and read it when I got home. The essence of the article is a…

The Mystery of Eyelid Vs Forehead Lift

In my practice, I find that most consultations for facial aging are driven by a patient’s concern about a particular feature of their face that bothers them. Rarely do they ask me for my opinion as to what is making them look older, nor do they have concerns about large areas. And the fact…

What Happens if I Gain Weight After Liposuction?

I have been asked this question more often than I can count. Patients are afraid that after liposuction, if they gain weight, that they will develop a particular deformity due to all the newly formed fat settling in one particular area. This simply isn’t true. After adolescence, the number of fat cells in our…

Surgery and Supplements

Do you take vitamins and herbal supplements on a regular basis? Although there are both anecdotal and scientific reasons to do so, many herbal supplements can interfere with surgical recovery, from increased bleeding to unwanted anesthesia interactions. By telling your plastic surgeon what you take, he or she can tell you what to avoid…

How young is too young for facial rejuvenation?

Women in their 30’s need the real skinny on whether they should start receiving Botox and fillers, microdermabrasion and laser treatments at a younger age to prevent future wrinkling. Logically, many young women wonder if this might be a bit too early and, hence, a waste of money. Unfortunately, the clock on the aging…

When is the best time for a Mommy Makeover?

For many women, a Mommy Makeover is a logical step to take once they have completed their families. Although there’s no specific definition of what constitutes a Mommy Makeover, in general, they usually involve a tummy tuck and some kind of breast enhancement, which could be a breast augmentation, breast lift/a>t or reduction, depending…

What are the challenges of breastfeeding after implants?

Occasionally, during a breast augmentation consultation with me in our Stony Brook plastic surgery practice, a woman expresses concerns about her ability to breastfeed later on, should she wish to do so. With so many women committed to breastfeeding their infants, I want to be certain you have the facts about breast enhancements and…

Concerned about anesthesia?

I occasionally meet with a patient who has concerns about anesthesia. Sometimes they are concerned about giving up control and being completely asleep without knowing what’s happening. Some of them have heard or read stories about people having bad experiences with anesthesia. I’d like to share with you my outlook on how to choose…

Should a Facelift always include a neck lift?

Patients often ask me if they can avoid a face lift and just focus on the neck. The question is also asked the other way around: is it possible to have a facelift without a neck lift? This is my response: With the advent of techniques that permit greater facial rejuvenation with less operating…

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