Cost & Plastic Surgery: Why You Usually Get What You Pay For

Whenever a new patient comes in to see me for a consultation, whether it is for a surgical procedure like a Tummy Tuck or something non-surgical like a fillers procedure, one of the top three questions that I typically get asked is: How much will the procedure cost? If you have called around to multiple plastic surgeons in your area, you have probably discovered that cost can vary greatly between providers. This is why I wanted to take a moment to explain how we determine the fee for a procedure as well as why cost should never be the determining factor when choosing a plastic surgeon. 

Non-Surgical vs Surgical Procedure Costs

During your consultation, I will spend considerable time talking with you about what it is that you want to achieve as well as the best way to deliver on your desires. Your lifestyle, including the cost of a procedure, is always an important consideration when determining the later. In general, a non-surgical procedure is going to cost less, making them extremely attractive for many patients. However, it does not make sense for me to recommend a less expensive procedure just because it is cheaper if it can not achieve what you want. You will wind up unhappy with your results, and whatever money you saved will have been wasted. This is why my first priority is delivering on your goals. I will always recommend what I think is the best procedure for your unique anatomy and explain why. Then, you can determine whether or not the cost of the procedure is worth it to you. 

Factors that Determine the Cost of an Aesthetic Procedure

Sometimes, the best choice for your needs is going to be a surgical procedure. Surgery is more expensive because there are more fees involved. But you also need to keep in mind that the results from a surgical procedure, like a facelift, typically last 10 years or more versus the results from Botox, for example, which only last about 3-4 months.

The factors that go into determining the cost of a cosmetic procedure include:

  • Type of procedure
  • Surgeon’s fee
  • Anesthesiology fee
  • Hospital or Surgery Center fee

Why is Board-Certified Important?

If you live in a metropolitan area, the fees are going to be higher because the costs are higher. Furthermore, choosing a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon for your procedure may be more expensive. So, why is Board-Certified important? The answer is simple: experience matters. Achieving board certification requires years of study and practical experience as well as on-going study. This means that you are getting a plastic surgeon who is on top of the latest research and the most cutting-edge techniques, making it considerably less likely that you will encounter complications or be sold on a procedure that is not appropriate for your individual needs. In short, you often get what you pay for. So while the cost is always important, do not let it be the sole determining factor when deciding on an aesthetic procedure or choosing a plastic surgeon.

To find out more about the cost of any surgical or non-surgical procedure for the breast, face or body with Dr. Mark Epstein in Long Island, contact us today or call 631-689-1100 to schedule a consultation.

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