We Are All Family

My practice is quite different from those of the doctors of my youth. Growing up, I remember having no idea about my doctor’s personal life. I didn’t know where he lived, or how many kids he had, or if he liked to play golf on the weekends. Sometimes, I might see a picture of his family in the consultation room, but that was really it. In fact, if I’d run into one of my doctors at the mall, it would’ve felt weird. Doctors of my youth existed in their own microcosm, apart from reality. Today, not only is it pretty impossible to completely separate the personal and professional, thanks to social media, but it’s also not the way that I choose to run my practice. I consider my patients members of my extended family. This is why I think of the initial consultation as almost a first date.

Plastic Surgeon + Patient = Personal Relationship

I am genuinely interested in getting to know who you are as a person, and I want you to get to know me as well. Most patients who come in to my Long Island office have already checked me out online. But the in-person meeting allows us to take things a bit deeper. This is really important to me as the relationship between a plastic surgeon and a patient is extremely personal. You’ve come to me because you are unhappy with how you look. This is a vulnerable position emotionally. Furthermore, as a body contouring expert, I am going to be assessing your naked form in order to discuss your procedure of interest such as a:

  • Breast Augmentation
  • Breast Lift
  • Breast Reduction
  • Mommy Makeover
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Liposuction

In order to break the ice and establish trust, I always start off asking about you, your family and your interests. And I will tell you about myself and my family as well.

Introducing Amanda Blackman

I am the proud father of three fantastic kids: Amanda, Brandon and Lisette. I am also extremely fortunate to have Amanda working for me full-time these days doing social media and computer initiatives. I consider myself pretty tech savvy for someone my age, but my daughter is of the tech generation. Social media is just part of her DNA. She started off helping me edit my YouTube videos and social media posts, but the job has evolved to include stitching together the images to create our unique Labiaplasty 3-D photos. She also handles a lot of the technical aspects of the practice such as switching our patient data base from one platform to another.

I’ve learned a lot about Amanda since she started working with me. Her diligence and attention to detail are beyond reproach. While we are alike in our desire for perfection, she is a fantastic multi-talker while I am not. I need someone to tell me where to be and when. Amanda can do it all. Hiring her has taken a lot off my back. As I am really busy with patients in the clinic and in surgery, there just wasn’t enough time in my day to devote to these other projects. With Amanda, I know that they’re going to get done with excellent results. More importantly, she does everything with grace. Now, I’m surrounded by family and I couldn’t be happier.

To find out more about any surgical or non-surgical procedure with Dr. Mark Epstein in Hauppauge, Long Island, contact us today or call 631-689-1100 to schedule a consultation.

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Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

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