
Transformative Power of a Breast Lift

A breast lift is one of the more powerful procedures in my arsenal. It can not only help restore a youthful, perky contour to your chest, but I’ve seen these positive effects reverberate through a patient’s entire body, mind, and spirit. Many times, however, a patient is initially resistant to the idea of a…

Soft Tissue Support Helps Deliver Long-Lasting Result

Many women are unhappy with the look and shape of their breasts. It’s why breast augmentation remains one of the most popular aesthetic procedures in the world. Maybe you were born with breasts that are too small for your frame, or perhaps your breasts have lost volume thanks to pregnancy, breastfeeding or an advancing…

Surgical or Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation — Which is Right for You?

Many women are dissatisfied with look and/or function of their vagina. For some, it is a matter of genetics. For others, childbirth, hormones, and age may have exacted a toll on the delicate skin and tissues in this sensitive area. Luckily, today, there are options when it comes to vaginal rejuvenation. I am proud…

Cup Size Does Not Equal Breast Volume

When a potential breast augmentation patient comes into my Long Island office for a consultation, one of the first things out of her mouth when I ask about her goals is that she would like to be X cup size. I get it. Bras are a standard of measurement that every woman knows. Also,…

Wide Variety of Silicone Implants

Breast surgery has been a cornerstone of my practice for almost thirty years. I have considerable experience with the breast augmentation procedure, and one of the things that I have noticed with potential patients is that they don’t always understand the intricacies that go into choosing the right implant. They tend to get hung…

How do You Know if You Need a Tummy Tuck?

The abdomen is a trouble spot for so many people. Sometimes, the issue is simply excess weight around the middle which may be alleviated with lifestyle changes such as a healthful diet and consistent exercise routine. More often than not for women, however, pooching in the abdomen is due to a number of factors…

Implant Exchange or Implant Removal — Which is Right for You?

Breast revision surgery is one of those octopus procedures as it encompasses a number of different options. It can be confusing for many patients, especially with social media. You may think you want one thing when you actually need another. This is why it is so important to schedule an in-person consultation. As a…

Reasons for Breast Revision Surgery

A breast implant is not a timeless device. They age just like the rest of us. This means that unless you received your breast implants later in life, chances are that they will need to be replaced at some point. This could be 10 years after your original augmentation, 20 years or even longer….

Benefits of Combining CoolSculpting® with CoolTone™

An ideal body contour is all about proportion. This is why those stubborn pockets of fat can be so disruptive. The human eye likes harmony. So when the abdomen, for example, is a little too thick, it can distort your body balance, making you look and feel heavier than you are. When a patient…

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