Body Contouring

Why Go Under the Knife when you don’t have to? And for what, breast implants???

Most people spend their lives trying to avoid surgery.  So why do so many women seek surgery for something as totally unnecessary as breast implants?  In Dr. Epstein’s practice, we see two types of women who seek breast augmentation.  Both groups have one thing in common, they cannot fix what bothers them about their breasts

Why Go Under the Knife when you don’t have to? And for what, breast implants??? Read More »

One Day Recovery Breast Augmentation – A Real Recovery Experience

When something seems too good to be true, it usually is, right?  That is exactly what Dr. Epstein’s patient, Jennifer, thought when she heard about One Day Breast Augmentation Recovery as she was researching the procedure and plastic surgeons.  Everyone she encountered – surgeons and friends – said that the rapid, quick, one day recovery

One Day Recovery Breast Augmentation – A Real Recovery Experience Read More »

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