Incision Indecision – Which incision is best in Breast Augmentation?

breast augmentation in long island | Dr. Mark Epstein M.D. Boy, have times changed in the incision decision department! When the FDA took the old silicone gels off the market in the 1990′s, we were forced into using nothing but saline implants for over 16 years.

Saline implants come to the surgeon empty and are filled through a valve after they are placed (one of the reasons they have such a high failure rate) in the pocket. Implanting an empty implant left us with a lot of incision options – endoscopic axillary, peri areolar and inframammary – were all incision options.

Now, with the advent and use of thicker silicone gel implants, we are limited to mainly the inframammary (under breast, crease) incision. This incision option provides maximal accessibility without compromising the implant shell or filler. The inframammary incision has always been the leader in fewer risks – it is always hidden in the crease under the breast, Dr. Epstein only has to pass through minimal tissue and he is in the pocket, it does not increase risk of infection or sensation loss like peri areolar incisions can and it offers the surgeon direct visualization of the implant pocket during surgery.

All of Dr. Epstein’s incisions are closed from underneath the skin’s surface, avoiding track marks on the skin that might be visible later. The stitches dissolve on their own and require only a small amount of Dermabond glue to cover them. This glue is your only “bandage” and it dissolves on its own in about three weeks providing and excellent antibacterial barrier during that time.

Remember, it takes at least a year for an incision to be considered fully mature or healed. If along the way the healing process seems to need some help, Dr. Epstein also offers several different laser treatments that target trouble areas that can occur such as thickness or redness in the incision.

Often it is hard for patients who don’t have much breast tissue or established fold beneath the breast to imagine making an incision there. They are worried it will be visible ….. but never fear! By getting a breast implant and adding volume to your breast envelope, Dr. Epstein will create a fold and hide the incision. The inframammary incision is the best incision alternative we have for breast augmentation with a silicone gel breast implant.



To schedule a consultation with Dr. Mark Epstein please contact our Stony Brook office at 631-689-1100, or request information here.

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