DR. EPSTEIN’S COMPREHENSIVE Breast Augmentation Guide

Anesthesia – General, Sedation or Local?

Change From Textured To Smooth Implants

All my patients with textured saline and textured silicone implants have been notified about the concerns relating to textured implants. I am happy to see anyone with textured implants who have concerns about them. The issue is the textured surface of the implant shell, not whether the implant is filled with saline or silicone. Remember, all implant shells (bags) are made out of silicone regardless of whether they are filled with saline or silicone gel.

While current recommendations do not include removal of textured implants in asymptomatic patients, there are patients who are concerned about having the textured implants inside their breasts and are just more comfortable replacing them with round, smooth silicone gel implants. For these patients, I believe that it is totally reasonable to remove their textured implants and replace them with smooth ones. I do believe that silicone gel-filled implants will look and feel more natural than saline implants, but either one is available, based upon the patient’s needs and desires. The actual surgery is quite easy and very fast recovery, even easier than a primary (first time) augmentation using the “One Day Recovery Breast Augmentation” technique. Currently, Allergan is offering those patients with Allergan Natrelle textured implants a replacement pair of implants at no cost to them until July 2021. This does not include surgeon, anesthesiologist and facility fees. Considering how expensive these implants are, this is a generous offer.

If you are also interested in changing the size of your implants and currently are concerned about your textured implants, this may be another reason to undergo the replacement surgery.

Schedule A Consultation

Contact our Long Island office at 631.689.1100 for more information regarding change of from textured to smooth implants.

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