There are several differences and technical innovations unique to Motiva breast implants that set them far apart from all the other implants available in the United States and the rest of the world. While all the other currently available breast implants are good devices, the Motiva implants incorporate newer technology as well as some innovations never found before in breast implants. These innovations are explained in detail below:
What is the Difference Between the Motiva Round® and the Motiva Ergonomix® Breast Implants?
It is essential to understand that not all silicone gels are or behave the same. The silicone gels used in Motiva breast implants are all highly viscoelastic, which gives the gels a very soft feel, somewhat similar to when you lie on a memory gel mattress and slowly sink into it. The other implants available in the United States are not nearly as viscoelastic.
The Motiva Round Implant uses the ProgressiveGel® Plus®and the Motiva Ergonomix implant utilizes the ProgressiveGel® Ultima®. The rheology (deformation and flow characteristics of silicone gels) of Motiva implants are radically different from that in other breast implants currently available in the United States. Non-Motiva implants either hold their shape well but are firm, or are very soft but do not hold their shape well. Motiva implants are very soft, mimicking the feel of natural breast tissue AND hold their shape beautifully, maintaining upper fullness where you want it.
The round implant is just that – round. The point of maximal forward projection is the center of the implant. This implant utilizes the ProgressiveGel® type silicone gel inside. Like the Motiva Round Implant, the Motiva Ergonomix Implant is also a round implant, however, this implant assumes a teardrop shape when upright inside the breast. However, unlike all previous teardrop shaped implants that have a rigid shape and require a textured surface to keep them from rotating and distorting the shape of the breast, the Ergonomix implant has a special, slightly softer UltimaGel® that flows towards the bottom of the implant. So, when the implant is flat on a table, it looks round, but when upright, as it lies in the breast, the bottom of the implant projects more, giving it a teardrop shape. Should the implant turn or spin within the breast pocket, as all smooth implants do, the implant simply readjusts its shape, and gravity guides the gel back into position, maintaining a constant teardrop shape that does not change with change in position. This was never before possible with other breast implants.
What is a SmoothSilk® Surface?
SmoothSilk® Silicone shell: All breast implants, whether filled with saline or filled with silicone gel have a silicone shell. The shell can either be smooth or textured (rough). The textured implants have been in some cases recalled due to health concerns that do not exist with smooth surface shells. The Motiva breast implant has a SmoothSilk® smooth silicone shell. This specially created surface reduces inflammation reactions with your tissue, resulting in thinner capsules around the implant and a lower rate of capsule contracture.
Why is the Motiva Implant Blue?
BluSeal®: The silicone shell is created by dipping a mold called a "mandrel" into liquid silicone gel. After the gel solidifies, the mold is dipped again, repeating this process until the appropriate thickness silicone shell has been created. During this process, the mandrel is dipped into blue dye, then again into silicone gel. This creates a blue color to the implant that lies in the middle layer of the silicone gel. Without the dye, the implant would be transparent. The blue dye allows the operating surgeon to identify the presence of any defect in the implant. If there are any clear spots (no blue color), that is a sign that there is an issue with the implant shell and the device should not be used. This innovation is yet one more feature that Establishment labs has created to protect the patient. This technology does not exist in other breast implants!
What is a "TrueMonoBloc®" Design?
TrueMonoBloc® design: The silicone shell, silicone gel and the patch on the bottom of the implant are all united which allows the implant to move as a unit, rather than having the gel slosh around inside the silicone shell as is the case with other implants. One of the causes of implant failure (rupture) is "shell fatigue." As the implant shell flexes and folds, the silicone shell (bag) is being stressed and this ultimately will lead to the shell breaking (implant rupture). If the gel inside the implant does not move about freely, and instead the gel and implant move as a single unit, then the shell will not flex and fold and will not be subject to shell fatigue the way all other breast implants are.
Another associated feature is that the Motiva implant shells are filled to 100% capacity, which contributes to the MonoBloc® properties, minimizes visible rippling and prevents collapse of the upper breast after implantation. These features ensures form stability (keeps its shape) while also enhancing durability and integrity of the implant.
Do Motiva Implants have a Tracking Device? Can My Personal Information be Obtained from My Breast Implant? OMG!! - No!
Motiva implants come with the option of having a Q-Inside® RFID sensor. This is NOT a tracking device. This is an FDA approved minute sensor that lies in the rear of the implant. Using an RFID reader held over the breast, the surgeon can verify the 15-digit Electronic Serial Number (ESN) that is linked to information about the implant, such as date of manufacture, size, and volume, profile, thus providing 100% accurate information regarding the breast implant previously placed. There is no personally identifiable information associated with this number.
Sections - Motiva Breast Implants
- What is the Motiva Breast Implant?
- Ergonomix vs Round: Breast Shape and Movement
- Dr. Epstein’s Six Year Motiva Experience
- What Makes the Motiva Implant Different?
- Motiva – Is it Smooth or Textured?
- How Motiva Implants Are Different from Allergan Natrelle, Mentor and Sientra Implants
- MOTIVA US Clinical FDA Trial
Chapters – Breast Augmentation Guide
- Motiva Breast Implants
- Intro to Breast Augmentation
- Five key decisions you need to make
- One-Day Recovery Breast Augmentation
- Anesthesia – General, Sedation or Local?
- Breast Lift (Mastopexy) with/without Implants or Fat
- What else should I know about breast augmentation?
- Important Things to Consider When You Decide to Move Forward With Breast Augmentation
- Revision of breast augmentation
- ALCL and Breast Implant Illness